Aluminium Shutters
Aluminium shutters are the logical choice for your home or commercial property.
Our clients love the increased safety, the reduction in power bills and from the weather and insects. But they also love how they look! With so many new designs and our extensive range of colours, roller shutters have become a very stylish addition to Blue Mountains, Western Sydney and all areas of NSW properties.
Your aluminium roller shutters will be manufactured locally after we’ve measured your windows. They are completely tailored to your property – including powdercoating, if we can’t match your decor with our extensive range. You can read more about our services here.
If we haven’t answered your questions about our wide range of aluminium shutters in the information contained in the tabs below, try scrolling through our FAQs. Or just give us a call to discuss and get a free over-the-phone quote based on your measurements.

For Your Business or Home
Aluminium shutters are also highly durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, making them a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications.

Reduce Noise
Peace and Quiet!
Comfort’s aluminium roller shutters can reduce noise by up to 50%. They are a godsend for shift workers, new parents, and those living in noisy areas – like near a busy intersection or under a flight path. Your shutters are made to measure so they’ll fit perfectly. Noise won’t be able to creep in around the sides.

Your Own Private Getaway
Do you sometimes feel like your neighbours are living in your pockets? Or do you just want the ability to feel like you’ve got a moment to yourself in your own home? Aluminium shutters offer superior privacy, allowing you to create a very personal, private space.
When all you want is to shut the world out, lower your shutters for complete Fire protection.

Fire Protection
Improved Safety From Fire
In a bushfire, unprotected windows can crack and explode very quickly under the pressure of heat, flame and wind gusts.
Tests have shown that aluminium shutters, while being scorched on the surface, will act as a highly effective shield, protecting windows from breaking and keeping flames out. If you’re in a fire-prone area, aluminium shutters are an investment that could one day save your home.

A window destroyed by the intense heat of a bushfire
Windows Are Vulnerable
Take a look at our picture of a window destroyed during a bushfire. This illustrates how an unprotected window can smash in a bushfire and allow flames into your home, putting your house at much greater risk.

Weather Shield
Protection From the Elements
Aluminium shutters are a fantastic shield from the heat, cold, and wet. In fact, your shutters will protect you from most of the things that Mother Nature can throw at you.
Stay cosy and warm in winter by closing the shutters and keeping the warmth of your heater or fireplace indoors, where it belongs. The shutters keep the sunlight and prevent heat from entering your property. You can adjust them to let in the cool evening breeze while still blocking out the sun too. All of these features add up to big savings on your heating and cooling costs.
Our shutters can even be used to solve condensation problems! Give us a call to find out what Comfort Shutters can do for you.

Relax! With Comfort Shutters
At Comfort Shutters, we specialise in manual and electric roller shutters. If it’s superior convenience you’re after, electric shutters are an addition to your property that will make your life simpler. Open and close your shutters with the click of a button or from a distance using your smartphone.
Our manual shutters are designed to high standards, ensuring smooth operation. You’ll never have to fight your shutters to get them to operate. Ask us about the options available.

Stylish, Classy, Contemporary
Gone are the days of beige shutters with brown stripes! We have an extensive range of aluminium shutters made by leading contemporary brands from around the world. Your roller shutters will be made to complement the look of your property and decor. If you want a colour that we don’t stock, we will powdercoat your roller shutters to any colour you specify.